Invitations to what were known as the Marlys, the several-day excursions to the estate marked by spectacles and a relaxed etiquette, were highly prized. The duc de Saint-Simon recounts eager courtiers imploring ?Sire, Marly?; they were literally begging to be invited. ... In several rooms of this château, Louis XV installed portraits by Oudry of his favorite dogs, including Misse and Turlu (1725), Polydore (1726), Gredinet, Petite Fille and Charlotte (1727), Blanche (ca. ...
diye oynanan oyunu bir türlü be?enemiyor, yüksek felsefi sözlü Şair Shakespeare'in bu eserde bu kadar hafif olabilece?ini bir türlü akl?na s??d?ram?yor, Olivia'da Lady Macbeth'in ihtiras?n?, Malvolio'da Polonius'un bunak felsefecisini, Sir Toby'da Kral Lear'in .... Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate. Upon the fortune of this present year; Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad. SALARINO. Why, then you are in love. ANTONIO. Fie, fie! SALARINO. Not in love neither? ...